Healthcare Service Delivery Model
Which best describes your organization's current healthcare service delivery model?
Traditional fee-for-service (HSD 1.0)
Some adoption of digital tools like EHRs/telemedicine, but still fragmented (HSD 2.0)
Actively transitioning towards an integrated and patient-centric model (HSD 3.0)
Already operating under the HSD 3.0 principles of value-based and integrated care
What is your organization's biggest priority in adopting the value-based care model integrated?
Improving organizational productivity and streamlining workflows
Enhancing integration and coordination across the care continuum
Implementing interoperable technology systems and digital tools
Increasing stakeholder/community engagement in care delivery
Expanding focus on population health and preventative care and chronic disease management
Does your organization support the seamless integration of technology to manage workforce processes efficiently and adaptably for improved quality of care?
Yes - A formally documented operation plan is in place for ALL departments defining the workflows, key performance indicators, and the role of each member of staff in achieving the organization's goals. In addition, ALL critical function in the workflow FULLY defined and electronic data capture forms are built in the software to capture, track, and analyze information required from respective staff.
Yes - Some documented operation plans are in place for SOME departments defining the workflows, key performance indicators, and the role of SOME staff in achieving the organization's goals. In addition, SOME critical functions in the workflow are SOMEWHAT defined and electronic data capture forms or excel input are used to capture, track, and analyze information required from respective staff.
Yes - Some critical processes are described and mapped, including defined workflows, and key performance indicators. The organization has clear ideas of who is responsible for tasks and uses software to capture and track information staff collected, supplemented by Microsoft Excel, and manual data entry forms.
Not really - The organization provides limited support for seamless technology integration for workforce process management to support quality of care.
No, not at all the organization does not support seamless technology integration for workforce process management to improve patient care.
Program for Professional Development
Do you have a program in place to support the professional development, well-being, success, and contributions of each member of staff?
Yes - The company has a well-defined and documented program that manages the full journey of each employee and has a team lead, supported by a cross-functional tasks force that is responsible for tracking the success of the program.
Yes - The company has a somewhat defined and documented program that is managed and tracked by the HR Department or a senior individual in the organization.
Yes - The company has some documented programs/practices for different elements of the employee journey, though this is not managed and tracked as consistently.
No - The Company has been exploring setting up a system, however, this is not yet finalized or formalized.
No - The company does not have such a program.